Wasps control
Wasps (including paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets) These insects are all in the Hymenoptera order, and thus stings from them are occasionally called Hymenoptera stings. Because many of these species live in colonies,
if one stings you, you may be stung by many. Although most stings cause only minor medical problems, some stings may cause serious medical problems and even death. An ordinary uncomplicated sting can be treated with ammonia or alcohol or cold poultices, followed by an antihistamine ointment. If the victim becomes pale and feels unwell with giddiness and nausea it is advisable to seek medical advice immediately

Silver fish control
Damages Caused By Silverfish
As silverfish are nocturnal and are most active night and Year-round pests and feed on cereals and non-food items such as paste, paper, starch in clothes, rayon fabrics and dried meats. If not even they can go for up to one year without food, which makes us more difficult to control the infestation. Still we can avoid them by following some methods like eliminating moisture and regular vacuuming. But use sprays, dusts, or baits if conditions are alarming. Treat cracks, crevices, wall voids and other likely hiding spots in the areas where the pests are noticed.

Timber Treatment
Effective woodworm control requires us to have access to as much of the face of the timber as possible, we will always clean the timber to ensure the treatment is as effective as possible, where necessary our services can extend to clearing access to the timber. Removing and replacing loft insulation etc. Woodworm or Common Furniture Beetle can be highly destructive over time. If left unchecked woodworm can cause structural damage to property by considerably weakening timbers. You may wish to read our in-depth article on wood worm, the species and its effective treatment.

Rat & Mice control
Rats & mice are common place and will accommodate any area that provides undisturbed cover and access to food and water. Both carry disease and provide a significant health risk which can prove fatal. Collateral damage to property, product and reputation can be considerable as can penalties for non-compliance of Health & Safety legislation.

Moths control
The larvae of moths cause significant collateral damage to furniture, textiles, carpets and stored products. Effective control is achieved by terminating active larvae and breaking the life-cycle. This is completed with thorough application of insecticide although proactive control is a far more efficient and cost effective. The use of hormone traps – particularly in commercial storage environments forms part of an Integrated Pest Management System. We have extensive knowledge in delivering such programmes professionally.

Fly control service
Our expertise in fly control can give biological effectiveness against pest concerned, the susceptibility status of thetarget organism, the ease of application, its safety to humans, toxicity to non-target organisms and quality of the formulation. We with our expetise, using new generation products and knowledge can provide customised service to the specific needs of the customer

Crawling insect control
Crawling insects, such as cockroaches, carry a range of serious illnesses including salmonella, dysentery, gastro-enteritis and typhoid. The risks of contracting an illness are particularly high in homes with more susceptible people such as children, the elderly or those fighting existing illnesses. Cockroach droppings have also been linked with increases in eczema and asthma. Whilst the distress and irritation caused by fleas or bed bug bites is also very worrying.

Wood destroying insect control
Borer live(feed & nest)in undecayed wood which has a very low moisture content,they donot require any contact with the soil in order to live.
Borer insects can be serious pest of structures. The larvae of these beetles live in and consume dry, seasoned wood. There are several types of wood borer which can infest wood in homes and furniture. The most common types of borer are Anobid, Lyctid and Bostrichid. The Key to avoiding serious problems is early detection and control.

Bed bug control
Do not attempt a heat treatment by yourself. Insecticides are an important part of bed bug control as it is common for individual bed bugs to move away from the main infestation site to another site. Bed bugs, or cimicidae, are small parasitic insects. The term usually refers to species that prefer to feed on human blood...

Termite control
Ridding a home of termites requires special skills. A knowledge of building construction is needed to identify the critical areas where termites are likely to enter. Many of these potential points of entry are hidden and difficult to access. Termite control also utilizes specialized equipment such as masonry drills, pumps, large-capacity tanks, and soil treatment rods. A typical treatment may involve hundreds of gallons of a liquid pesticide, known as a termiticide, injected into the ground alongside the foundation, beneath concrete slabs, and within foundation walls.
In short, termite treatment is a job for professionals. A possible exception would be if a mailbox post, sandbox or other small wooden object not attached to the house was infested.

Lizards control
Biochem Pest Control For Lizards biochem Providing Lizards Removal,Lizards Control,Lizards Treatment,Lizards Solutions,Lizards Prevention and Lizards Inspection with best exterminators.In-tn-india

Cricket pest control
Pests are vectors of disease and a danger to your family's health. They may also cause physical damage to your home's infrastructure. Our targeted pest control treatments focus on the exterior and perimeter of your home, limiting the use of chemicals within the home.

Wood borer control
Whether it is Residential, Commercial or Industrial Pest Control, we have a solution at hand for any problem large or small. Our modern fully maintained fleet are loaded with the latest technologies and equipment, along with ongoing operator training to ensure an integrated approach achieves the outcomes required across the Tamil Nadu area.

Millipede Control
Millipedes don’t really have 1,000 legs, but rather are characterized by the fact that each of their body segment bears two pairs of extremities (versus a single pair per body segment in centipedes).Even though it is big, it is completely harmless. Unlike their centipede ‘cousins’, millipedes lack the modified jaw-like first pair of legs that predatory centipedes use to catch and sometimes envenomate their prey. Instead, millipedes defend themselves by rolling into a tight spiral and/or calling Biochem defenses.

Cockroach control
Our Four Seasons Protection Plan is a unique solution to the on-going pest problem. Combining the most advanced chemistry, treatments in season-specific approach, along with a professionally trained staff, we take the battle directly to your home's defensive zones.

Textile Pest
The Common Clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella). The larva of this moth are considered a serious pest, as they can derive nourishment from clothing – in particular wool, but many other natural fibres and also, like most related species, from stored produce. This species is notorious for feeding on clothing and natural fibres; they have the ability to digest keratin. The moths prefer dirty fabric and are particularly attracted to carpeting and clothing that contains human sweat or other liquids which have been spilled onto them.