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Did you know?! Termite Female queen lives between 15 and 25 years and she lays one egg every 15 seconds,Results in 30 000 eggs per day!...Termites, also commonly known as white ants, destroy valuable property, documents, furniture and furnishings…anything that contains cellulose, silently and swiftly, before you even become aware of the damage done. Termites infest and breed underground, in the soil. They crawl up through the minute cracks and crevices in the foundation and the walls of your building.As they march forward, they build mud channels to provide themselves with darkness and higher humidity which they require to survive. When you notice such marks on your walls it is an indication that your house is under attack by termites.To get rid of termites from your premises the following options are available to you:To stop and prevent the movement of termites from the ground, holes are drilled from inside your premises at the junction of the wall and the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. The holes are drilled along the side of the entire outer wall at approximately 30cm (12") intervals.The insecticide is then poured into these holes to soak the masonry. If your premises are on the ground floor, the partition walls are also treated. The drilling operation is not carried out on the partition walls above the ground floor because the RCC slabs act as a mechanical barrier and the termites cannot penetrate them.After the initial major treatment, our operator will visit your premises for a check up once in every quarter. Necessary treatment will be carried out in case of any re-infestation. You can call us whenever there is a reappearance of termites during the contract period.Enter into a 5to 15 year's comprehensive anti-termite contract with Biochem for your entire building and avail of a 5 to 15 year warranty against termites.You'll never pay for future termite treatments or damage repairs as long as you keep your plan.1
100% satisfaction or your money back.2 ,TYPES OF TERMITESThere are three termite types to worry about in the India. Knowing the types helps you know where to watch out for termite invaders.SUBTERRANEANThis type builds its colonies underground. They need contact with soil to maintain their moisture levels. A regular source of moisture is critical to a subterranean colony’s survival.Subterranean termites are the most common type in the India.There are numerous species of subterranean termites – one of the most aggressive and destructive species are Formosan termites. They can form a carton nest above ground, limiting their need for ground contact.DRYWOODThis type colonizes in wood above ground. Unlike subterranean termites, they don’t need contact with soil to survive.DAMPWOODThis type typically lives in damp and decaying wood. They require regular contact with water as well as a high humidity level to survive. Dampwood termites are the largest in size of the three types.HOW TERMITES SPREADTermites are social insects and live in colonies with specific roles. There are workers, soldiers, reproductives and even queens.As a colony matures, it may release winged males and females – or “swarmers.” If they survive, swarmers will settle, shed their wings and form a new colony.Swarming season occurs in late spring through fall depending on the species and geographic location of india..

Dampwood Termites

Drywood Termites
Formosan Termites
Subterranean Termites

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